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Category: Blog

#RWA17, Go Time!

Being a writer & a busy working mom, life zooms by pretty fast. Last time I blinked it was Christmas. Now, suddenly it’s July and I find myself two days out from Romance Writers of America’s annual conference (#RWA17). And holy cheese and crackers, Batman, am I excited. Because of work, life, etc etc, I didn’t have…

Writers, Kill Your Darlings: 5 Tips to Help You Cut Beloved Scenes

Every writer has heard the advice—“kill your darlings” or some variation thereof (“kill your babies”/”murder your darlings”). When I first came across the phrase, I took it to mean “cut your words.” Pshaw, I do that all the time, I thought. Heck, I just edited a paragraph down from five sentences to three. I even rewrote those two…

THE HUSTLER is a Daphne Finalist!

I almost didn’t answer my phone this morning when a call came in from an unfamiliar New Jersey number. Almost. Curiosity got the better of me though, and thank goodness it did. The call was from Marnee Blake, a contest coordinator from the RWA Kiss of Death chapter, letting me know that THE HUSTLER is a finalist in the…

Springing Up to Say Hello

Hi there, folks! I figured it’s about time that I poked my head out of the hole I’ve been hiding in since February and rejoined the world. For me, the stretch of year between February and early April is the absolute pits. The holidays are over and the festive spirit is dead. It’s still cold, particularly where…

Finding Courage Outside Your Comfort Zone

Everyone loves their comfort zone. Why? Because that’s the point: you’re comfortable. It’s a wearing-your-favorite-sweatpants, sipping-your-favorite-wine, reading-a-book-by-your-favorite-author kind of feeling (aka, my usual Friday night). Familiar. Safe. Boring. Making the most out of life means taking deliberate steps to leave your comfort zone. Is it…

2017: Resolutions, Out. Goals, In.

Every January, the same question is offered up as fodder in daily small-talk: “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” But what if, like me, you don’t do resolutions? Not that I have anything against them. I’ve made resolutions in the past—I’m going to lose 20 pounds this year! And then I do the inevitable…

How the Gift of a Romance Novel Confirmed My Happily Ever After

This post is going to feel a bit braggy, but here I go… I married the right guy. How do I know? Because of a thousand tiny things. Ten years’ worth of endearing, everyday idiosyncrasies. Our personalities that are wildly different, but complement each other like two ends of a seat belt snapping together. But also because of this: Behold…
