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Category: Blog

Want to Enter a RWA Chapter Contest? Here’s Everything You Need to Know.

If you’re a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), you’ve probably seen notices for the myriad RWA chapter contests that are offered throughout the year. Perhaps you’ve even thought about entering a few. But where to begin? What’s the point of a contest? Which one(s) should you enter? For those…

Motivation to Reach the Finish Line

Revising a manuscript can be a torturous, soul-sucking experience. At least it feels that way when you’re in the thick of it. Motivation wanes, and Netflix starts to look mighty tempting…which is why I was so pleased to learn that my romantic suspense work-in-progress, THE HUSTLER, recently finaled in two more RWA chapter…

Sheila Contest Win Makes Three

This has been a terrific year for Angie Hockman’s romantic suspense novel, THE HUSTLER! Angie submitted THE HUSTLER to several RWA chapter contests this spring, and in addition to winning Utah RWA’s Great Beginnings contest and Chicago-North RWA’s Fire & Ice contest, Angie’s manuscript recently placed first in the romantic suspense…

When You’re a Writer, but a Mom First

Writing a novel while raising small children is like trying to run a marathon uphill, through the mud, barefoot. At least it is for me. Then again, I’m not supermom. I’m not the woman who exudes effortlessness with her perfectly applied makeup, homemade organic cranberry muffins in her purse, and children who look like they just stepped out…

Spring Fling Fever: Favorite Moments at My First Romance Writers Conference

It’s been a few weeks since I returned from Chicago-North RWA’s 2016 Spring Fling writers conference, so I’ve had some time to synthesize my experience beyond “SO AMAZING BLERGH-AHHHH!!!!” It was my first writers conference of any kind, let alone my first romance writers conference, and it was So. Good…

Finding the Write Tools for Success

I love to type. When I was in elementary school, sometimes my mom would take me to work with her over the summer (a perk of working for the family business). She’d sit me in front of her typewriter in her office and assign me “projects:” mostly nonsense meant to kill time, but I adored it. Her…

5 Mistakes I Made at my First Writers Conference…and How You Can Avoid Them

Thinking about attending a writers conference? Do it. I just attended my first, Chicago-North RWA’s 2016 Spring Fling, and it was 1000% worth it. There were informative panels; valuable craft and publishing workshops; pitch appointments with agents and editors; and uh-mazing headliners. Christina Lauren, Courtney Milan, and Robyn Carr? Yes, please! It was an all-around incredible…
